Happy Tuesday! Every week at around this time, I participate in The Broke and the Bookish‘s Top 1o Tuesday weekly meme. This week’s theme is Top 10 Books that Make you Think, and I’m counting down from number 10.
9. Delirium by Lauren Oliver. This is a big one when it comes to philosophy and such.
8. Partials by Dan Wells. The following questions have come to mind after reading this book:
7. Messy by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. Five words: what’s behind a mean girl’s facade?
6. Across the Universe by Beth Revis. This book is rich in all the ways not to manage a society. Oh, and on the consequences of inertia, too. It is a sci-fi, after all.
5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Okay, this one is obvious. Panem, the infamous country made up all 12 of The Hunger Games‘s districts, is literally taken from a Latin phrase: “panem et circenses”. Meaning “[give them] bread and circuses”, this phrase was supposed to be the key to managing a society. Enough said.
4. Perfect Chemistry Simone Elkeles. This is the book for you if you hate the conformity of stereotypes and high school prejudices.
3. Divergent by Veronica Roth. Ah, another dystopian. Apparently these are big thinkers.
2. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Ahsher. I’m not going to lie: I sobbed like a baby when I read this book. I don’t want to discourage you from reading it– in fact, I strongly suggest that you do— but Thirteen Reasons Why is definitely a tear-fest. Be prepared.
1. The Fault in our Stars by John Green. I have not read many-a-book that analyze the meaning of life withing their pages, but this is one of them. And John Green did a doggone good job.